another shonky seller selling tags and chassis
when will these clowns realize that every vehicle tag sold via eBay will be recorded and flagged by the authority's when it comes to rego ..
another shonky seller selling tags and chassis
when will these clowns realize that every vehicle tag sold via eBay will be recorded and flagged by the authority's when it comes to rego ..
HJ XX7- L31-M21 sandman windowless
HZ XX7- L31-M41 sandman ute
1955 Chevy Belair
1972 Hq Statesman original Wedgwood with black vinyl roof
1956/9 Custom Pro street Pickup .. Blown 407 suicide doors tilt front ..
1956 210 sedan
1982 Wb windowless Panelvan ..
1970 Ht Kingswood original 186
may be a members on this site????
"All correspondence must bear these numbers"
I'll be doing the opposite soon, selling a sandman van without tags.
It'll just be a normal van then.
BO6 = Rarer then a Sandman
First link cancelled. New auction without the buy now price is here.
Can't get anything past Detective Gads. Very vague description too, wonder if you get the whole chassis or just the bit with the number on it.
I'm all ova stuff Play! And for 50 bucks postage I'm guessin it's just the number section!
Just PM the dog breeder and ask!!
Personally I don't have a problem with it! You gotta think about how much work is ahead of you on your rebuild if your only starting with numbers!, hahahah!
numbers cut out of the rail is rebirthing and I have zero time for that sort of crap.
Yeah didn't think about it like that WB! But if you had the whole chassis and the tags what's wrong with that?
If the body and all the panels were RS then you would only be replacing them yeah!
ahhhh it's only a HZ... they are like PG13-holes... everyone has one.
“485650 HQ's cant be wrong...”
“You don’t drive a Kingswood, you make love to it. That’s why nuns only drive Toranas.” - Ted Bullpitt
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