I am trying to make sure that all the Sandman Quick ID guide information is correct and that all the details are in the right places for each model.
I think some of the “could be a Sandman” details when combined could also be placed in the “Is a Sandman category”. It would be good to beef up the “Is a Sandman” section for each model if possible.
For example. For HX and HZ models we could add under the heading “Is a Sandman”:
“Has a vehicle code of 8WM80 ute or 8WM70 van combined with a trim code of 18V (Slate Black)”
I am after some feedback from those with more knowledge than myself. Any suggestions will be included in the Quick ID page as well as a new Quick Reference ID sheet similar to the one below which will be a one page PDF link on the same page for people to print out as a reference guide. This printable page will be good advertising for the forum.
All comments appreciated.