I'll bring the spray cans... Bit of variety can't hurt![]()
I'll bring the spray cans... Bit of variety can't hurt![]()
Sounds good. Windsor has an air of posh to it...
Sorry for the delay guys....kids and work .....everyone knows how that goes
Gentlemen...... firstly, thanks to Bill for the hosptitality ...food, beers and the for having us around his place......standing ovation for you sirreally wasnt expecting you to give yourself a new hair cut with the bbq
...but relived that thats all it was
Secondly, thanks to you all for travelling all the way from your home base. Its a big call to get people to drive an hour plus one way......personally speaking, thank you so much. It means alot when people have the same passion to get the club off the ground.... you all showed great enthusiasm, came up with great ideas and without that, this wont get off the ground. I think we have a great like minded team and this will end up being something quite special. Thanks guys
Ok.....the business end...
Vicroads requirement of all Office Bearers
Name, address, contact details, drivers licence numbers...so thats taken care off
- We all filled out the club executives list....Bill & Blocker, just shoot yours through when you get a chance...all good mate.
We have...
President - Ivan
Scrutineer- Bill
Publicity - Paul
Committee/merchandise - Justin
David - Secretary
Treasurer - Jeremy
Committee - Chris
Committee - Blocker (i'll email you the form mate, just email it back once youve filled it in)
- Date the club was established.
I'm going to put down the date of the first meeting which was 1st November 2015. The first meeting makes it official i guess.
- Number of members at the time of application
8 members. Thats definately enough members to get the club off the ground....awesome
-Types of ehicles and the range of ages of the vehicles accepted by the club.
This is covered in the Club Charter. ie-All Sandmans, original, modified or mockup. HQ-HZ & VU, VY, VZ & VF. Any other behicles will be accepted on the descretion of the club committee. Just keep an eye out for Dave if he shows up at the next meeting in a Tarago
- Estimated number of permits for which permits will be required initially.
I dont think any of us are requireing club rego, so lets say 5-10 to be safe. We have already got in place what works for each of us....but the option will be there for those without club rego to take advantage of it. I dont think we will get a slap on the wrist if we dont apply for less than 5 regos....but ill look into it all the same.
- Whether the club is an Incorporated Association.
Our fearless treasurer Jeza will take care of that. Thank you good sir. When you have an update for us, just let us know
- Details of the number and types of events held annually by the club and whether interstate travel is involved.
We kinda didnt touch too much on this......as a suggestion....
Club meetings was kind of agreed to be around the 3 month basis. Sure it will be a bit more frequent to get the club off the ground....but at least we have the option to hold meetings online and all conversation and motion passing can be documented this way as well.
Drive In night twice or three times a year.
Charity fund raiser twice a year (i have a family member who is willing to let us have her yearly charity donation allocation if we like. Fairly well off and more than happy to help)
Interstate travel. Theres the Albury van show once a year and maybe a bathurst or similar cruise if we would like to do that. I like the idea of potentially doing a tasmania cruise.....sleep in our vans and camp out while on the road. Might be hard to line that up with everones lifestyle, but im just putting it out there.
Feel free to throw your ideas into the ideas pot for all the above.
- Copy of the club charter.
All done. Massive thanks to Blocker for helping with that. Quite a few phone calls and online chatting to get that where it is now. Tip my hat to you sir
- Vicroads also will also require photos for anyone wanting club rego.
Pics of front, drivers side, driving postion(side on with drivers door open) and any identifiers (chasssis and engine number). As an FYI, these pics will need to be dated and lodged within 7 days of application with Vicroads. Also required, is that we declare that said applicant is a current financial member of the club. Might have to doctor up an official letterhead for submission for these types of things.
Other topics covered....
Two tier membership
One type covers owners of Sandmans and the other is for trhe enthusiasts. Membership packs and pricing can be sorted in the next meeting. but correct me if im wrong but thats the general vibe that i got from the discussion. More than happy to tweak it to what works.
Justin, this is your domian mate.....if you could get some ideas of whats available and prices, that would be awesome
How popular are stubbie holders??Seemed everyone wanted 5 each
Tshirts.....everyone have a think what style they want and we'll put it to a vote. ie polo, singlet, tshirt etc etc Can also do Hoodies & Jackets. Both ladies and gents styles if possible.
Keychain bottle openers would be a good idea......never be without a bottle opener....nothing worse than when youre having some posh euro beer that isnt a twist top.
Other options are USB sticks with the club logo printed on it, caps, .......let us know what you'd like to see. With this two tier membership we may have to have 5-10 items to choose from so membership and renewal packs can vary.
We are all happy to have mySandman forum as our home base of comms, but as a selling point and membership drives, a simple website was also talked about. But working in harmony with mySandman at the same time. Everyone put their desire and passion to see the mySandman forum continue as a few of us expressed concerns about the current state of the forum. We all agreed to get in touch with Blocker to see how he feels about it and what we can do to ensure it continues to thrive...even though a few bad apples have been screwing it up of late. Wait for my call Blocker...will be in touch soon.
Next Club Meeting
We have tentatively put down 7th Feb 2016. Down Jezas way.....Geelong followed by a cruise down Great Ocean Grove.
We know Justin has prior plans for the 7th and the 13th Feb. Can everyone please throw up other options. Preferably a little sooner jusat to get the club up and running and then meetings wont be so frequent. We all come from different corners of Melb and its great that everyone is willing to share the load of hosting. Y'all are all standup fellas![]()
If there was anything i forgot that was covered......just fire away in the comments....all input and comments are welcome and encouraged
Thanks once again....extremely pleased with your effort and enthusiasm. Top stuff
For now, enjoy the pics of the day. If you have any of your own pics, post them up
Great work Ivan. Not much more for me to add I hope there is more input from outside Sunday's meeting.
So forgive me I don't think I will FIRE away again![]()
Ivan, thanks for all the info there. Pretty comprehensive.
I wanted to thank Bill as well for his hospitality. No dramas with setting himself on fire as Hainzy our resident ambo was there!
I just think he was too excited having 3 windsor blue vans all together. He had my bonnet up to check numbers before I had even finished pulling into the drive!
It was great to meet you all face to face, and I too think this is exactly what we need.
Great to get the blue girl out of the garage for a change too.
A couple of comments from me:
-Types of vehicles and the range of ages of the vehicles accepted by the club.
I think we were all happy with the requirement that a "Sandman" was required for Full Membership, with a member's additional vehicles able to access club rego automatically if it is a chrome bumpers car. Any others would be subject to approval. Guidelines roughly that collectible, sports type cars would be viewed favourably (ie Brock VK / VL) Not Tarago's Dave.
Some other clubs seem to charge an admin fee for extra club permits ($25 - $30). Might be a good way to help control this too.
Membership Tiering
Full Members - sandman (as identified in charter) owners. Enable ability to vote.
Family Membership? - most clubs seem to have this, allows second adult voting rights, plus a couple of kidlets.
Affiliate membership - for those with an interest, but are without an eligible car. No voting, no access to club permit.
Happy for any input into ideas.
Already sussing out options for stubby holders, keyrings, hats, usb drives etc.
Will let you know what I come up with.
Do we have the club logo ready to go? Jpeg, Pdf? What types of files do we have?
Thanks again lads. Glad this is gaining traction.
A couple of my pics.
photo 2.jpg
photo 3a.jpg
photo 1a.jpg
I'm not going to live that down :
Some good inputs there.
Thanks guys
My post the other night was pretty much from what i remembered what we discussed...so obviously i missed a few points. In future, notes will be taken
Spot on Justin about the chrome bumper allowance for members and other vehicles for the club to decide.
daves tarago
Extra fee for additional plates sounds good to me
Membership also sound good, re family & affiliate. Well discuss that more at length or people can put their idea down here.
Club logo. Its a jpeg......been searching like a man possessed for the photoshop version to no avail. Can you work with that Justin? Can email it to you if you like.
Also had a lengthy chat to Blocker today. Fear not fellas, the forum isnt going anywhere. Threats are put out there to keep the idiots in line. And a contingency plan for a worst case scenario was also talked about and the forum will be safe....so everyone can be cool...it will continue no matter what. Thank you good sir
Website..... Blocker is happy to host it for us as long as we get one made up. He can also issue emails through the website... eg... president@sandmanclub.com ..... treasurer@sandmanclub.com ...... etc etc All of us are hapy to work as a unit in harmony and compliment each other but remain seperate. Traffic will flow both ways.
Thanks again guys....you all rock![]()
Well done Ivan and thanks for your hospitality on Sunday Bill! I think we have some momentum and a good compliment of 'keenness' with everybody wishing to establish this for the right reasons.
In order to establish the incorporated body, I'm likely to have to provide some names of foundation members (Other than Alien etc). Is everybody happy if we share the basic contact details that Ivan took on Sunday amongst the members of this group, and me with ASIC for the club registration?
It's important (I feel) that we keep our personal contact details at arms length from the broader club unless we want our details out in public - personal choice.
I'm a pretty trusting bloke, and am due to my profession very conscious of everybody's privacy so rest assured that this will be respected.
When it comes to the crunch of a bank account and the relevant signatories I'd be recommending that we have any two of the office bearing club members to operate the account jointly, and anybody else that the club committee sees fit. When this is established, I will require a copy of the signatories Drivers licences ( already have Dave's )
If you have any Q's, please call or email me 0428 392 421 Jeremy.morris@bendigobank.com.au
Cheers, Jeza
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