Good day gentlemen i ventured into Vicroads to get the club registered. Basically all good...except for one form. The "Club Permit Scheme & approved Club Office Bearers And Scrutineers" form.
Only problem is, is we all need to sign this one form. The best bet is to get everyone together and finish this off. I'll need Jeza, Justin, Bill, Hainzy & Dave theres only room for those guys on the form. Other guys will have their club forms submitted to Vicroads along with the other paperwork needed to register the club.
So the following is the details i'll fill in when the above form is filled out...and then i can send it to Vicroads for approval.
-Names, addresses, contact details, drivers licence of the clubs executives (already done with the club forms we filled out)
-Names, address,contat details, drivers lience number of club safety officer/scrutineer (already done with club forms)
-Date club was established (we'll use the first club meeting as the start date - 1st november 2015)
- Number of existing members at the time of application (again...i'll use our club forms)
-Estimated number of vehicles for which permits will be required initially. This is open to interpretation....i'll say 10 to be safe.....anybody have another number?? Hopefully ill be getting a HZ Kingswood van on the club plates in the next few months as a guinea pig for us. it'll teach us what steps will need to be taken in order to get other members (apart from us) to get their ride on the club rego scheme. Kinda handy having it in house (registering the van) as we can perfect it without making mistakes in public.....thus making us look more professional.
-Whether the club is an Incorparated Association (thanks Jeza ...champion effort)
-Details of the number and types of events held annually by the club and whether interstate travel is involved. This is where i need your help many events per year?? 3...4...5?? Interstate travel?? More than likely. shows like the one in Albury (just over the border) and even for future events with big road trips.....Van Nats come to mind. i'm going to put YES for interstate travel. please everyone put your two cents in.
- A copy of the clubs constitution & rules of operation (already done...thanks Blocker)
-A fully completed and signed CLUB PERMIT AGREEMENT (I've got the form...already signed. I'll date it when the permit Scheme form is signed by everyone.)
-Fully completed and sign copy of the APPROVED CLUB OFFICE BEARERS AND SCRUTINEERS FORM **Blocker.....when you get a chance, can you please set up a club email address. Its required for the form to be completed**
Then basically, i put together an original letter address to Vicroads with the above all attached. I'll do it in a nice display folder all professional like and send it off. I dont see what problems could arise ....but if there is, i'll be contacted by them to rectify any drama.
Once that is all done...ill make a pack/folder for each of us explaining the continuing rules for the club. eg duration of time allowed for a members address change etc etc etc.
So....getting down to the form signing. When is the soonest we can all get together to sign this off? It sucks as its only a signature we need from each of us.....i dont mind driving around for half a day to get this done.....maybe we could have a couple of groups get together. This is the only thing holding us up so can we make it a priority please.
Then we'll need to nut out and finalize membership tiers.
So fellas....whens good for everyone???